The library is an integral part of the college. It plays a crucial role in supporting higher education as well as research activities, especially in the context of the phenomenal growth of knowledge which is happening worldwide. The SCCT library has a seating arrangement for 65 students well furnished with wooden carrel reading tables with separate lighting system and comfortable chairs, Journal & New arrival display racks and one charging and discharging counter. The library collection includes books in various subjects of seventh Streams. The bound volumes of journals are also available. The area of the library is 1036.31 sq. feet. The Library is divided into different sections - Home Issue Section, Study Room Section, Periodical Section, Reference Section, E-Resources Section, Self-Financing Courses Section, The reading rooms can accommodate around 200 users at any time supplement the existing resources in the library, the library website is being used as a platform to provide open access resources through the E-Resources webpage. Access is provided to fully downloadable e-books, e-journals, audiobooks, theses, rare books, manuscripts, e-learning content, etc. for the benefit of the users. The various aspects of the library have been integrated and digitalized within e-Granthalaya, the integrated Library Management Software from National Informatics Centre (NIC). This software is useful for automation of in-house activities of libraries and to provide various online member services.
To integrate services and technologies that is essential for learning, research and creation of Knowledge
- Library Reading Room
- New Book Arrivals
- Library Counter
- Internet Facility

Library – Oriental Education Society’s
Sanpada College of Commerce & Technology,
Plot No. 3,4,5, Sector 2, Sanpada (W).
Behind Sanpada Railway Station,
Sanpada Navi Mumbai -400705
Telephone: +91-022-27758715
Ext: 217
Library Email:
Library Blog:
National Digital Libraries of India:
The library has a huge collection of print resources that include Text books, Reference books, Books for General reading, Journals, Magazines, Newspapers, etc. The library also has a collection of CDs
Total Number of Books in the Library | 16924+ |
Total Number of Titles | 3608 |
Total Number of Reference Books | 608+ |
Total Number of National Journals | 07 |
Total Number of Magazines | 23 |
Total Number of CD’s in the Library | 122+ |
Maps in the Library | 16 |
Globe in the Library | 01 |
Newspaper in the Library | 11 |
- Reading Room:
- Home Lending Facility:
- Current Awareness Service:
- Reference Service:
- Newspaper Clipping Service:
- Open Access Facility:
- Other Facilities:
- Recommendation of Books.
- Reading Facility to Ex-students.
- Inter Library Loan.
- Previous Year “Question Paper Sets”
Membership- Only SCCT Students, Faculty and Staff members can register their Library Membership.
- Only registered member are allowed to use Library.
- A duplicate Library Borrowers card will be issued on payment of Rs.25/-
- Books are issued only for 7 days.
- Reference books are available only in Reading hall.
- Most demanded books will be not renewed.
- Readers are responsible for misuse of their Library Card.
- The University Question papers, Out of print books, Projects, loose issues of periodicals etc. are only for are not issued.
- Borrowers must Check about the physical condition of the books before borrowing Any damage later or at the time of returning will be charged fine.
- A fine of Rs.5 per day will be charged of returning the books after due date.
- For Reference books fine Rs 50/- per day.
- Loss or damage of books by borrower should be replaced by the price of the books (out of print) or the cost of book will have to pay by the borrower. Use of computers/laptops etc.
- Online chatting/dating, browsing of social networking sites is strictly prohibited. Strict disciplinary action will be taken against the defaulters.
- Playing games on computers is strictly prohibited in the entire Library premises.
- Readers should observe strict silence inside the Library.
- Use of Mobile phones is not permitted inside the Library premises.
- Users are not allowed to carry eatables/drinks inside the Library premises.
- Library Borrowers card is non-transferable.
- Readers are advised not to leave their valuable items like money, passport, credit card etc. at the Reading table.
- Marking, scratching, damaging, mutilating, stealing, library materials or property will invite disciplinary action against the defaulters.
- Readers should not carry books from one floor to another and should leave the books on the reading table after consulting.
- Readers should not talk or discuss as they may disturb other readers.
- Users should not rest or keep their feet on tables, chairs, shelves, etc.
- The library shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of the personal belongings of the users.
- The Librarian reserves the right to suspend the membership of any member found misbehaving with the library staff or with any other member.
- Readers should not leave bags/books/copies on the table and cannot claim, capture, and reserve seats for future use.
- The seats are to be used/occupied on the first come first served basis.
- Readers should not scribble on table tops or damage them.
- Readers should not clutter the table with heaps of books and other reading material.