Report on INSPIRON 2K19
INSPIRON 2K19 is one of its kind of Inter collegiate technical fest conducted by Department of Computer Science and Information Technology of our SCCT college every year. This acadamic year It was conducted on 7th December 2019, Saturday. The Chief guest Dr. Sasikumar Mukundan, Director C-DAC Mumbai inaugurated the event by cutting the ribbon and followed by lighting of the lamp. Principal Prof. Raosaheb and Vice-Principal Prof. Sheela Sakhare were also present in the inaugural ceremony. The chief guest made special mention about the Global #GrandChallenge and build solutions to empower users to make digital payments securely and easily an initiative by Microsft, Bill Gates.
An Expert talk on “Amazon Web Services” by Mrs. Rupali Kulkarni from IIHT was a premium show. More than 150 attendance marked in the seminar hall. The Chief Guest for the prize distribution ceremony was Dr. A M Bhagwat, Chairman, Navi Mumbai Science Foundation. He quoted the proverb “Time and tide wait for none” and the speech was very valuable. Honourable President, Prof. Javed Khan Sir blessed the event with his presence. Prize distribution was done combine by President Sir, Principal and the Chief Guest.
Students had actively participated in various events. Participations has increased year by year. Technical Exhibition was conducted on basis of three categories such as Hardware, Software and Model Making. 20 groups of total 70 students participated in it. Number of participations on other events are Web Designing – 33 students (individual event), Technical Quiz – 16 groups (4 members each) of 64 students and Poster making – 60 entries. Students of ICL college, Vashi, VSIT College, Wadala, Tilak College, Nerul and SCCT – Junior College took part in various events and won a few. The winners were awarded with trophies and certificates. The volunteers exhibited their talents and quality in decoration, organizing and leadership. It was heartening to see the positive response of students towards this event, reinforcing the wonderful platform that it is for them to showcase their talent and creativity. The event concluded by vote of thanks given by HOD’s of IT and CS department viz. Prof. Vidula Kulkarni and Prof. Smita Negi.
Report on INSPIRON 2K18 V2.0
INSPIRON 2K18 V2.0 is one of its kind of a technical fest of Sanpada College of Commerce and Technology, Dept. of Computer Science and Information Technology, which serves the purpose of enlightening and updating young enthusiasts with latest discoveries made in technology and thus spreading the knowledge to the society.
This technical fest was conducted on 28th December 2018 with the theme “Open Source”. The fest was inaugurated by ribbon cutting by the chief guest Prof. Vipul Saluja (member of Board of Studies, Mumai University) and HOD of R D National College, bandra followed by lighting of the lamp. Digital inauguration was done by Principal Sir Prof. Raosaheb of SCCT college. The official announcement of INSPIRON theme song developed by our students was also inaugurated by Principal Sir. The core committee members included Prof. Vidula Kulkarni (HOD-IT), Prof. Smita Negi (HOD-CS), Prof. Gokul Choudhary and Prof. Ali Ahmed. Nilesh Khedekar, Aaron Quadros, Sairaj Dombale and Aniket Desai were the core committee members from students fraternity. Various events like Web Designing, Reverse Coding, Hunting in Python, Technical Quiz and Technical Exhibition were the competition events alongwith Expert lecture for the betterment of the students. Expert lecture was delivered on Ethical Hacking by Mr. Rizwan Shaikh, CTO, Pristine InfotechSolutions. Our own students as well as students from other colleges actively participated in various events. No. of Participants for the various events were: Web Designing – 26, Reverse Coding – 18, Hunting in Python – 15, Technical Quiz – 16 and Technical Exhibition – 26. Except Web Designing and Reverse Coding all other events were group events. Reverse coding was the newly introduced event this year. The count of participation and response of students were keep on improving by every year.
First and Second positions were selected by the Faculty-Event incharge. Prof. Harmanpreet Kaur from S.K.College nerul was invited as judge for the event Technical Quiz also Prof. Sonu Raj was judge for the event technical exhibition. The winners were awarded with trophies and certificates. The best volunteer award was presented to Nilesh Kedekar and Sairaj Dombale. The volunteers exhibited their talents and qualities in leadership, organizing, anchoring and management.
The SCCT organised an event for Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS), B.Com. Banking & Insurance (BBI), B.Com Accounting & Finance(BAF) called the “PROFFINNOVAL” on 31st August, 2016 .
On “CURRENT AFFAIRS” Topics students had to present their topics.
In all 15 groups participated. Each group had three members and were given five minutes of time to present their topic.
The Chief Guests as well as one of the judges was Prof Seher Kapadi from Oriental Management College.
Apart from her the students presentations were judged by Prof Sushil Jadhav and Prof Smita Negi.
Schedule of the event was as follows:
Firstly the Lightning of Lamp was done by the Chief Guests , Principal Dr. D.M.Muley. and as well by the three chief co-ordinators , followed by felicitation of them all
Host for the day were Sahil and Kirti.
The event began with the motivational speeches by the events Chief Guest , Principal sir and Prof Bhandari. Commencement of presentations were done by groups according to their group numbers.
After finishing their presentations each group were asked few questions by the judges.
After the presentation of 8th group a small break was taken. Thereafter remaining groups presented their topics.
We had our few students to entertain all by their singing, dancing & rapping skills as the judges were deciding on the winners of the event.
For the prize distribution we had with us our Honourable Khan Madam from Management of OES.
The winners of the event were :
First Prize – Kirti Singh, Arif Khan and Vaibhav Dixit
Second Prize – Fiza Shaikh , Mohsin Shaikh and Sahil Surme
Third Prize – Sanjana Kamath, Aishwarya Kadam and Dhanashri Yadav
The winners were awarded medals and certificates .
The event helped our students get an overview of various topics on current affairs.
We would like to express our gratitude towards the Chief Guests, Judges and All the Staff Members of the department for making the event such a success.
A Report by Dr. S. S. Bhandari
Intercollegiate debate and literary competition was conducted on 9th Feb, 2016 under the guidance of Dr. S.S. Bhandari in the college seminar hall. The programme was inaugurated by the chief guest Mrs. Ratnani Thakur, Principal of B. Ed College followed by Dr. F. A. Shaikh Principal degree college, Dr. Nusrat Hashmi, Principal of Law College and all the members of debating society.
It is a dream of our honourable president to bring up and to equip the students with all four skills such as reading, writing, speaking and listening. The dream came into embodiment when 150 students took part in different events from different colleges. It was a wonderful competition where the participants showed their universal knowledge, full confidence, expressions, writing skills and so on. The honourable Director Mr. Waseem Khan sir gladly announced attractive cash award and the certificates to the winners. Even the Rolling Trophy under the name of Prof Javed Khan, President of OES has given to the college who have bagged maximum events.